Employment FAQ
How long does an investigation take?
Statutory guidelines state that a determination will be made within 90 days after the complaint is filed with this office.
How long do I have to file a complaint with this agency?
You must submit a complaint of discrimination within 180 days from the date of the employment action occurred in order for this agency to investigate your claim.
Do I need an attorney?
Legal representation is not necessary during the agency’s investigative process. The GCEO staff are available to answer any questions you might have; However, it is your decision as to whether you wish to have legal representation.
Is discrimination based upon sexual orientation covered under your law?
Yes, based on the Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, the Georgia Fair Employment Practices Act (FEPA) does prohibit employment discrimination with regard to sexual orientation. When filing a complaint with the Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity (GCEO), the basis of sex would also include sexual orientation.
Can I be punished by my employer for filing a GCEO complaint?
It is illegal for your employer to take any employment action against you based upon you filing a complaint with this agency. If you file a GCEO complaint of discrimination and feel that you have been subjected to any type of retaliation for doing so, you are encouraged to contact the agency immediately.
How do I know that I’m being discriminated against?
In order to file a complaint of discrimination with this agency, one needs only to believe that they have been discriminated against based upon race, religion, color, age, gender, national origin, retaliation and/or disability.
Do I need to do my own investigation?
It is not necessary for you to conduct your own investigation but you will most likely be questioned by an investigator and asked to provide as much information as possible that might support your allegation(s) of unlawful discrimination.
How do I submit an Open Record’s Request?
To obtain documents from the Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity’s Equal Employment Opportunity Division, please direct your Open Records Act requests (under O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) by mail or email to:
Jonathan P. Harris, J.D.
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Dr. SE
14th Floor-1470B East Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
To assist you in obtaining the information that you need, please provide the following information in your request:
- Your full name
- Your mailing address
- Your contact telephone number (and fax number if available)
- The case number of the investigation or incident associated with your request
- The name of the Complainant(s), Respondent(s), and/or agents and addresses associated with your request.
All record requests are subject to redaction under the Georgia Open Records Act and may result in the requester being billed $0.10 per page and administrative fees for the requested information.
How do I translate the GCEO website?
Please select the Translate link located on the home page of this website. Please accept the terms of the disclaimer and proceed by selecting the preferred language.
Does the Equal Employment Division have a statutory poster for public use?
To download a copy of the Equal Employment Division's FEPA poster for public use, select the following link:
/document/publication/gceo-ga-fepa-posterpdf/download .